Shopify Multipass

Allow a Craft user to be logged in to Shopify through Multipass

Installation #

To install Shopify Multipass, follow these steps:

  1. Download & unzip the file and place the shopifymultipass directory into your craft/plugins directory
  2. -OR- do a git clone directly into your craft/plugins folder. You can then update it with git pull
  3. Install plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins
  4. The plugin folder should be named shopifymultipass for Craft to see it. GitHub recently started appending -master (the branch name) to the name of the folder for zip file downloads.

Shopify Multipass works on Craft 2.4.x and Craft 2.5.x.

Configuring Shopify Multipass #

  1. First you will need to enable Multipass login on your Shopify store and get the secret token that is used for signing in users. To do this, go to Settings > Checkout > Customer Accounts and enable accounts by either selecting Accounts are optional or Accounts are required.

  2. The option for enabling Multipass will then show under the checkboxes. Click Enable Multipass.

  3. Copy the secret token and paste it into the plugin settings, along with your Shopify shop URL.

Using Shopify Multipass #

{% set addresses = [
        address1: "123 Oak St",
        city: "Ottawa",
        country: "Canada",
        first_name: "Fred",
        last_name: "Carlsen",
        phone: "555-1212",
        province: "Ontario",
        zip: "123 ABC",
        province_code: "ON",
        country_code: "CA",
        default: true
] %}

 {% set info = {
     email: '[email protected]',
     first_name: 'Bob Bobsen',
     last_name: 'Ted',
     addresses: addresses
 } %}

 {% set url = craft.shopifyMultipass.generateLoginUrl(info) %}

 <a href="{{ url }}">Login through Shopify Multipass</a>


1.0.0 — 2016-02-16 Download
  • Added: Initial release

Currently available for Craft consulting and custom plugin development

Contact me